December on the farm is much busier than you think. Of course, there is the flurry of Christmas greens in the barn turning into wreaths and the visitors to the farm store for Christmas gifts and decor. I mean, have you seen those sap buckets and Steph's resin jewelry?
But the farm chore list provides an abundant selection to pick from. Picking up leaves from our community drop locations, tending to our mother stock of Chrysanthemums, spreading compost and planting in tunnels. There is so much getting done before we say goodbye to 2023.
The farm has some big and exciting plans for next year to help you continue a floral discovery with us, from growing mums at home to enjoying fresh flowers in your kitchen, or visiting the farm for a fun experience we are diligently at work creating the beginnings of a wonderful 2024; literally planting the seeds of tomorrow today.
With only a few weeks left until Christmas, make sure you slide out to the farm to get some Christmas cheer or sign up for one of those 2024 flower subscriptions so you can enjoy the bounty of the seeds we are planting now come spring.
XOXO, Jess