New year new me! Nah I’m still the loud, passionate, flower-filled soul I’ve always been but with some new goals for a new year.
The farm is cold but so busy with the excitement of a new year, and we are all working in mini break-out meetings preparing for our team's annual strategy meeting. It has me listing off some goals. I'm not trying to change who I am, just improve on life.

Goal 1. Focus. This is a hard one when there are so many shiny new things to grab our attention and distract us from what we truly want. This will be my word for the year.

Goal 2. Build better relationships. I’m going to pick up the phone, make the visits, and find space to invest in my relationships as big or as small a role as they may play. So you might be hearing from me!

Goal 3. Have folks over! Ugh, I’ve worked on the house and have barely had friends over to enjoy it. The tribe has completely transformed the farm but we haven’t invited enough of you out to see it. That’s going to change this year with a lineup you won’t want to miss!

Goal 4. Change the world with mums. It might sound silly or even foolish but I am deeply convinced that the chrysanthemum can be the poster child of change in the flower industry. The more I learn, the more I love them, and offering plants to fill gardens this coming spring has been the greatest thrill! I love talking mums with all of you and having you join on the journey as we spread the mum word. And as a kick-off to a new year and to help get more mums out into the world and further The Mum Project, here is a super special New Year's code for our preservation box, our favorite box for making sure these amazing varieties never get lost again by filling the yards of people like you! The first person to use code PRESERVATION gets 50% off a Grower's Preservation Box at checkout!
I’m not going to set a 5th goal because 4 seems manageable and helps me focus….see I’m already nailing this year's goals, sure hope you are too!
XOXO, Jess