The Crop Report

'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season

Mom always said Christmas was a season, not a day so it shouldn’t come as a shocker that Steph's been playing Mariah Carey's top Christmas hits since August. She tested out that new sturdy barn floor, squealing and jumping when we finally let her turn on the karaoke machine to Christmas music in the barn (yes I hide the microphone).

Our barn looks different this year than in past Decembers in the best way possible. With the addition of the new farm store, we didn’t have to set up our full shopping experience in the barn space giving us more room to stretch out and get creative with you.

We recoined the barn for the moment as the Wreath barn and inside you will see the prettiest holiday wreaths and swags Virginia nature can provide! Hanging on the wall are the nicest custom embellished wreaths I’ve ever seen our farm make for purchase.

There’s a full buffet of dried flowers and novelties if you want to customize your own wreath or swag. We have crafting stations set up, the music softly playing in the background, and our own farm team of elves creating more beautiful wreaths, and here to chat and help along the way!

The kiddos have loved this so much so that we decided to offer lots of small craft options for kids to come and make some personal gifts of their own just in time for the holidays. Levon came up with this sweet little dried stocking project and can’t wait to help other kids in the wreath barn, he is quite the little host!

The holidays always give us space to chat together and enjoy our community and the farm has lots of chatter right now. As we have some bigger than even I could imagine news coming with our Heirloom Chrysanthemum project it’s worth dropping by and hearing in person some of our plans in the works! (we love to share some good tea) But if you aren’t close by or don’t want to miss this exciting project news and updates, make sure you are on our mum waitlist I won’t be able to keep my mouth shut much longer!

XOXO, Jess

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