The Crop Report

The Crop Report | It's The Freesia For Us

The Crop Report | It's The Freesia For Us

Spring planting is in full swing on the farm, and we couldn’t be more excited about it! This week has been particularly busy as we work to get our crops in the ground. The weather has made it much more enjoyable to be out in the fields, and we’re making great progress. 

One of the highlights of the week has been the blooming of our freesia in the FedEx house. The sweet fragrance of these delicate flowers has been a welcome distraction from the hard work of planting. We all take a moment to stop and smell the freesia every time we walk past.

We’ve also planted statice and Chinese forget-me-nots this week. These are both beautiful plants that will add color and interest to our fields. We’re excited to see them grow and thrive in the coming weeks and months. 

As always, the team is working hard to ensure that our crops are healthy and strong. We’re looking forward to a successful growing season, and we can’t wait to share the fruits of our labor with our community. 

Stay tuned for more updates from the farm as the season starts to really take off! There will be so many flowers for us to talk about. And if you’re ever in the area, be sure to stop by and say hello!

XOXO, Jess

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